Josiah Parker Papers Letter 32

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 32


Letter to Josiah Parker from Samuel Parker.


Parker, Samuel




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Rush County Indiana state 6th mo 14th 1830

to you my tender parents and all of my Brothers and Sisters Ive concluded to begin as I purpose writing to you as things occurs along as James Roberts exspects to start to your country the 1st of next month as my businefs seams to push me for we have had a bundance of weet a little but ck as the land is rich and the weeds due seam to grow corn is Small for the worms has bin prity bad this spring a cutting it off but I believe it is started now to grow we are all sow as to keep a bout but we have had bad colds we have a daughter Bornd 17th of 2nd month 1830 and we call her name Jane Parker our relations dont seam to be much complaint among them I finished planting co[r]n the 20th of last month I have a bout Seven Acres in corn this year my mare has bin very lame with the Sweany so that I had to hire all of my ground broke but I am in hopes she is on the mend I have lost 2 fine milchs cows since this time last yeare one last summer and one this spring from young Calves one of them wafs [out?] among the best we still have two yet to milk with young calves we Received thy letter the 20th and wafs glad to here from you it is now the ___ the[e] mentioned in it a bout James Roberts coming he concluded to stay and make a crop before be started he now expects to start next week if nothing turns up the[e] also mentioned about thy selling thy dickhominy land a bout gitting so little the[e] got a nuf for it to get 300 Acres here I have bin over my corn onst with the ho[e] and thind the five Acre piece and left it 4 and five stalks in a hill it is a midling likely 27th we cant had no rain for nearly two weeks or but very little I laid it off one way 4 feet and the other way three feet ten Inches and I want to begin to lay it by next week as wheet harvist dus seam to be a cuming on I have about three and 1/2 Acres in wheet About 3 at James L Binfords I was in it yesterday and it is a bout as high as my head prity much all over and tolerable well eard perhaps when I write to the[e] again I shal[l] be better able to inform the[e] more a bout my crop I have just bin in or prity much over my corn the biggest piece is now about half thy high now about five week since it was taken out of the crib. it is now the 2nd of 7th mo it is yet dry and hot 6 or 7 week is about as much time as we have to work our Corn in this cuntry after planting time I have just got over my Corn and left it very Clean and nice and am now a bout this morning the 3rd agoing to enter my potatoe patch to try to clean it out some of the first setting is run most a crose the ro[w] my mare has got so that I plowed about 3 thousands yesterday after dinner I have but the one I sold both of my colts the yong one for $20 and the other for 30 Dollars 14 Dollars of it I am to take out in work among the [black?] but I cant receive it yet but got there Notes on the mare I should be very glad to se[e] you all but I have nearly gi[ve]n out ever expecting to see you here I would not be back there no how not to stay there upon no other accompt but to be so as I could be where I could see you some times I should be so glad that you only was where I could see you if it wont but onst in a year 4th there is 2 men here convenient to the meeting House that wants to sel[l] there posesions 560 Acres in both of them has nearly 100 Acres cleared on them both they both join for 24 hundred Dollars that is good land I have wrote a few loins to Julian and mentioned in it some things that mabe I cant in this. Benjamin Snider dus also want to sel[l] his place of of a bout 200 Acres for Twelve Hundred Dollars they say it a cheep Bargain it a most eleggant land there men cant of our profefsion the time is now dra[w]ing to a close for me to conclude as they [both are] starting in the morning I must try to get this letter in sometime to day I want the[e] to look over any Bad spelling and scrambling hand as I had to write a long at at chances W P is a writing and between us both maby the[e] will get infermation a bout several things and so we remain your effectionate Children also remember us to Ant Winey and all inquireing friends My mother wishes to be remembered to you and Winey and Children

Samuel Parker

I may inform thee ove another place that is for sale in about 3/4 of mile of the Meeting house it doth join the 560 Acres they 3 are of the Separaters and they wants to sell as they may git where there is more to have a meeting I believe that they are all that is in reach of our little meeting as I no

S. P

to my Father and mother

I have concluded to put a few loins in the bottom of this letter to let you no that you have bin wrongly informed a bout this cuntry a bout its being hard on women but it is a mistak[e] for thy have their roles ready charded to ther[e] hands and they can get starting for 10 Cents per yard we have never had any one to live with us since we came to this cuntry for our children has grone so as to be a good deal of help both in doors and out we have gin Silas and James their monthly schooling and they can read prity well so I conclude as time is a droing to a close for me to give other letters up to the Barrer I wishes to me remembered to all my Brothers and sisters and I want to know how my namesake Rebecca comes on that they dont not writ[e] so send a body a letter for I expected [to] se[e] them befor[e] now also remember my love to Winey

Rebecca Parker

I want to when the[e] writes to us again I would be glad to no [w]ho it was that was hung that don[e] our smith work also the other mans name that was beat to death

Samuel P

to the[e] my sister Phebe as time is now short with me as james expects to start right away I cant gut time to write to[o] much to the[e] I want the[e] to send me some ground pees if the[e] pleases and how dus my sister Martha come on Bulis seeds and birch grapes

Samuel Parker


Josiah Parker
Northampton County
North Carolina
Attention of James Roberts
Recd. the 7th 8th mo 1830



Parker, Samuel, “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 32,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed March 31, 2025,


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