Josiah Parker Papers


Correspondence, account books, and business papers of Josiah Parker, a leading Quaker, farmer, and miller of the Rich Square community of Northampton County, North Carolina. It is rich in materials on Quaker life in North Carolina, the Quaker migration from North Carolina to Ohio and Indiana, the anti-slavery activities of North Carolina Friends, and the work of Friends in helping free people of color move from North Carolina and Virginia to Indiana.

Items in the Josiah Parker Papers Collection

Dear Isaac

Having Written this from N. York soon after our arrival there, I dont seem to have much to communicate at present except the account of our safe arrival at this place we Staid at N York one week in order to [recruit?] at which place I…

Virginia Loudon County 12th Mo. 25th 1807


Our manner of intimacy from early life hath paved the way for lasting imprefsions and in as much as it was recommended to the primative believers to provoke one another to love and good works we…

Smithfield Jefferson County Ohio 4 mo. 28th 1816

Esteemed friend

Benja. Ladd intending to the Virginia yearly Meeting affords an opportunity of information and enquiry we are reasonable well and for the greater part have had our health well…

21st 2nd mo 1818

W Briant,

I’ve now before me while writing a [letter?] directed to Robt Parker, in which is requested reimbursement of moneys thou had to pay in serving as a witnefs for Hampton O’s [Teage?] (as I suppose ___ as __ I’ve…

Springfield, Guilford county 5th Mo 4th 1818

Esteemed Brother

This may inform that we are at the House of our friend & relation Joch Gilbert in whose house lives his aged father Jeremiah he is Kerins near relation we met with a kind reception…