Josiah Parker Papers Letter 8

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 8


Letter from Jeremiah Parker to Josiah Parker.


Parker, Jeremiah




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Wayne County Indiana Elkhorn 8th Mo 2nd 1819

Dear Brother & Sifters all

This may inform you that we are are mostly reasonable well at this time Except myself is Indisposed in with the [ague &] fever once in 2 days tho not very Severe, occationed by being engaged in harvest rather more than constitution is well able to bear which has often been the case heretofore, Sarah Hall is weakly had the 3rd son Born 18th 6th Mo. Calls him Moses, our little son Isaac is rather puny tho not much confined Keren is quite fleshy well pleased with our new home. We have got our little wheat in it is verry good this year corn is verry promising tho at this it is verry dry tho dont suffer here like it does in NC we have been clearing & deading the trees where we want to Cultivate hereafter, I hope this will find you all well, ____ has been complaint in divers families of friends whereof some has been fatal Particularly Dear Miriam Daughter of friends Josiah & Dorothy Gilbert departed the 18th 6th Mo last we went to the Buring of this dear Virgin which was a memorable time with only 4 days illnefs.

I Exspect Jefse Munden will be the Bearer of this which I Exspect will Present thy receipt which I hope the money will be ready as I stand in much need of as the corn & pork I bought is Just coming on Demand which tenders me uneasy if thou has conveyed it on by any other hand this will serve for Information _______ has it ready I wish for thee to change it into ______ State Bank as Carolina paper in but low Esteem here, if thou Should pay my money to him take his receipt as I Shall take one from him if he takes this Businefs I Exspect him to call on thee he is Brother in law to Josiah Gilbert. We have not heard from any of you only what little Information John Hall mentioned to his son respecting you which was verry Short I recd. a small letter from thee wrote in the 10th Mo last which is the 2nd Ive had. We verry much desire to receive more I believe the last had been wrote more than 5 months before it came to hand we have not recd. anything from Either of our Sifters which I much wanted to do for I feel great affections for you all if it Should be that Jefse Munden Should come to thy house I hope you will send us a plenty of paper the girls wishes there cousins to write to them our daughter works about at fds [Friends’] houses some time sometimes both at 1$ p week as it is been a little difficult to get wool & flax for ______ if they would they would be constant from _____ buy they had much rather be more at ----tan they as if circumstances would admit, Our land is prety well watered of a large growth which is as follows Beach poplar Black & White walnut, White $73 lb oak sugar tree in a bundance Buck Eye ____ Bush grey & Blue ash hickery common maple-We think our corn will if the season hold out produce 10 Barrils p acre we have ______ in corn John has between 8 & 9 as likely [as ours?]. We live on the road Directing from Salisbury to Eaton the road is but new yet I Exspect would make our land rather more valuable if should want to sell in a future day-time will not admit of our Writing to Eli & Sarah Copeland Please remember our love to them which we often think of in near affection [I?] also our most tender affections to all the Dear children of Judith Copeland & hers Mary Parker & hers whom I often think of in near simpathy greatly wishing there welfare in the Best sense hoping for them to keep to Plainefs in their drefs and addrefs which will shine Brighter than all the vain fashions and cuftoms of this vain world

In a particular matter I wish to be remembered to Thos, Lydia Peele & family as also to my aged friend Josiah Outland & his John Hall & family hoping _______in a Better state than when he ______ all Enquiring friends, in they freedom _____ our relations Jefse & Martha [Storer?] I have ____ on my mind to write to them sometime I cant do it this time _________coming on Our friend Wm Wms is __________ family Our friend Sarah Clark remains verry low a kind neighbor _____ appears ere long we must part _____ gh is very bad. I Believe _______ near relations to you all & to _______ and inform [me?] what for a state _______ Enjoys in My wife & Daughters Joins in thy Brother & Syfter

Jeremiah & Keren Parker

[In the same letter]

Dear uncle, I am well and hearty and may add to thy letter that we frequently see Charles Osbourn. He lives about 18 miles from Whitewater, he has been inquiring after thee and whether thee has any prospect of moving to this country or not I want thee to write us how Black Sam and Judith come on where the boys lives on what terms as I yet feel deeply concerned for them _____ the neighbours continue to abuse them as heretofore--I do wish if wishing would to any good, they were here. they might here get great wages, and live free from being hunted like the wild beast I want to hear from thy son Saml. Thee will know in what respect if thee has it on they mind to write concerning him. Tell him I am desirous that he with myself may indeavour to make our calling and election sure, as we dayly see not only the aged, but the dear youth taken from works to rewards-give my love to my Relations and friends all affectionately I bid farewell

Robert Parker

Josiah Parker

NZ father requests if this opportunity fails that thee would send his money to N C Y Meeting there intrust it with P Albertson or Joel Gilbert as there is frequent opportunities.

R. P.

J. P.


Recd. this the 24th of 8th Mo. 1819
In 22 days after it was wrote



Parker, Jeremiah, “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 8,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed March 31, 2025,


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