Josiah Parker Papers Letter 11

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 11


Letter to Josiah Parker from William Flanner.


Flanner, William




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Mt pleasant Ohio 9th Mo 20th 1820

Esteemed Cousin--The time has arrived when there seems to be an oppertunity to send for the black people we have been corresponding about all thy endeavours to better their condition I hope will be crowned with succefs or at least merits the esteem and gratitude of every friend of humanity and that we should not exact anymore than is Just from one who has distinguished himself so noble in the cause; But neccefsity has no law and in the case now before us, I am obliged to ask thy further care so far as to give some attention in fiting them off and at the same time deplore the want of friends more ample for the purpose, the scarcity of money in our country, In paper any thing we have ever met with of the kind before I have done all in my power to get a little sum together and win [Barolee?] to [bying?] for a part of it and at last have not got more than one half the sum that we think requisite and no more likely to be obtain at present, neither would I hindered to send of such a paltry sum was it by any other person than my dear kind friend Benja. Ladd, who is going down to the place of his former residence in Charles City County Virga, a sincere friend to the cause of humanity and has condescended to afsist us so far as to take down the neccefsary document for thy authority in protecting their escape to his care the distance as we suppose of about one hundred miles from where they are to the place of our frd. will stop, he will send someone acrofs to thee for them; and then how to continue, best for this Journey. Thou will be more competent than is possible for me at this distance; if our kind frd. B. L. should suggest a plan no dout it will be an eligible one and we might safely answer to it, they probably have some Stuff which they ought to get something for by _____ that will be uncertain. I do not see how they will be fited for traveling; if all that could be mustered together would procure them a house and small cart if might serve the children to ride in and take some provisions along thou will not suffer them to attempt taking more than barely to cloath them sufficient for the season. There beding or [such?] will not be worth bringing, the object is to obtain their liberty, all which I submit to thy kind attention not doubting but other friends will help in some measure. give my love to Wm & Exum Outland and let them know that any thing in their kindnefs in the way will be acknowledged with gratitude. James & Edmund Peele has Just arrived here and gives the pleasing information that there appears no obstruction on the part of the Blanchard family to their coming or not likelyhood of any further attempt to enslave them yet neverthelefs I shall send on a power of Attorney that thou may have full authority to interupt any thing of the kind either from them or any other person and probably thou will think it safe to to substitute who ever starts with them to act legally in thy behalf should there be need of it on the road, and as in cases of this nature we cant be to secure I simply suggest whither some [title?] had not as well be sent along to shew the legallity of our proceedings through the whole of their Journey to this country. I am not ready to say who thou should call on to testify that they were the part that properly fell to Jonathan Blanchards heirs but Ephriam Blanchard son I support will be sufficient with one other person acquainted with the circumstance I have been informed that the man Isaac has a wife and several children who are slaves and that he shews a reluctance in leaving them in that can I feel some [dileasy?] and should it be thy mind that disuniting them would be inconsistant with the principles of christianity, pleas not to urge him to it, but at the same time he must understand that I cannot protect him in a Slave country at such a distance tho if thou will undertake the care on his behalf I am [free?] to furnish the best writen authority that the laws of our country will afford consistant with our persuation; the Boy Solomon is said to be in the service of a frd. Binford in the Jack Swamp settlement who is willing to give him up when calld. for, make no s[c]ruple of appliing his wages to the benefit of them all, nor Isaacs neither if he should come and they shall be remunerated here of any part that should be theirs [exlunuly?], I hope the boys as well as the women will be able to travel on foot most or all the wayout; if Betsy should be found incapable of coming safely, which I had some doubts of from report, She will have to be left to take her fare amongst those abominable creatures of our own kind that has no more shame, set aside all pretentions to Christianity and even morrality, there to haunt their miserable huts at unseasonable hours of the night force them in to debauchery to their ruin and lasting disgrace, pardon my [upithens?] cousin for my feeling are exited to such a pitch of indignity on the reflection that I can not consider them in as favorable a point of view as the most ferocious beast of prey that prowl over the forest nor even better than the pirate on the great ocean [Thea?] I hope has kept her self ___ and [ere?] long will be in a land of liberty where merit is the test of character and she may be [situated?] to hope for comfort though life. thou need not make any further use of this part of my story than prudence will allow; as the winter is at hand the sooner they ca be on their way the better for it is not ___ing but that the Allegany mountains will be covered with the snow before they can walk there. if it would not be to much to ask I should be glad thee or some safe hand would go with them a little on the way toward wanye oak for their safty; I have much confidence in the wise maneuvers of B N L after they reach him. We have all reasonable health except my wife who I think will not be well any more in this life Father Judkin is brave for a man of his age I dined yesterday with James & Edmund Peele & Isaac Parker they [will?] stay with 8 or 10 days we hope before they start home. Tom [CoJab?] yet weak

my love to all frds in thy freedom

William Flanner


Josiah Parker
Nohampton NoCarolina
Bare Swamp

Recd. the 13th of 10th Mo. 1820



Flanner, William, “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 11,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed March 31, 2025,


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