Josiah Parker Papers Letter 12

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 12


Letter to Josiah Parker from Charles Collins.


Collins, Charles




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Charles Collins of No 4 Cherry Street
New York to Josiah Parker

Respected friend

Israel Corse shewed me thine to him of the 7th day of this month relating to thy Cotton signifying a disposition to give the offer of it to those who are conscientious. I may inform thee that for some years past I have kept a Store of free goods chiefly in the Grocery line, such articles as Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molafses & Spices, also different kinds of flour and a little in Cotton when to be had free. There are Members of our Society in this and the Eastern States who manufacture Cotton Goods and would be glad to be supplied with free Cotton. They have the disposition to give an advanced price for free Cotton, but as their goods when manufactured must be put at the price of other goods, it would not answer to give much more than the market price, particularly for such Cotton as is to be manufactured into coarse goods, yet I know two instances of friends who have told me they wantd. to give over the market price for free Cotton. One said he would take three or four hundred Bales I have the cash on dilevery at an advance of 1/2 a Cent above the Market price, the other talked of giving two Cents above the Market price. If thou art disposed to make trial of this market I will exert myself to get the highest price & charge thee with a commifsion of two and an half pct. for selling it and would thank thee to communicate the pricing of such to thy acquaintances & others as may have free Cotton.

Since writing the preceding I have been in company with one of our friends who I expect ships large quantities of Cotton to Europe; particularly Liverpool. I read thy letter to him, he told me he would give sixteen cents for Cotton answering the description thou hast given; this price he means for thee to depend on & will pay cash on delivery. I expect he would take 1000 bales if to be had free. He said he was not particular as to the size of the bales; thou mayest consult they own convenience in that respect.

I expect that many of our friends in this Yearly Meeting would be glad their Cotton Clothing should be made of free Cotton & those of our Society in England who are concerned in Manufacturing Cotton Goods would I give a preference for free Cotton. If thou intends trying this market plan to let me know soon. I am in want of free Rice I would be glad to have two or three Barrels of it if thou canst send me some of nice quality.

from thy friend

Charles Collins

the 22nd day of the Tenth month 1821

[The following was written on the same letter]

Josiah Parker Newyork 10mth. 22nd. 1821

Respected Friend:

Thy letter of the 7th Inst. was Recd. a few days ago and its contents noted and as it related to goods out of my line of businefs I handed it to our mutial friend Chas. Collins who deals in such articles presuming he could make sale of such articles better than I could and [annent?] thee has his reply. I will add that if thee should conclude to ship any cotton to him or to me to be managd. by him thee should want to make use of any of the funds thee may draw on the one thee ships it to for 12 1/2 cts. ___ on the cotton at one days sight it will be paid and the ballance it may meet [upon?] as it is sold shall paid as thee may direct as bills on new york is worth 3 3 pct. a _____ _____ suppose thee might cash a draft to advantage--E Coggishall left here 9 of 4 mo. last on a visit to all the meetings in Ohio & Indiana we expect him back in about a month. with my love to friends in NCarolina. I am Respectfully thy friend

Israel Corse



Collins, Charles, “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 12,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed March 31, 2025,


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