Josiah Parker Papers Letter 14

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 14


Letter to Josiah Parker from Isaac Parker.


Parker, Isaac




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Mt. Pleasant 6th mo. 2nd 1822

Dear Brother

I this day recd. thine of the 3rd of the 5th mo. last, and was glad to hear of your wellfair. We are in our usual health for which and every other favour we should be humbly thankful. I do afsure thee a line from thee frequently brings to my rememberance the many pleasant hours we have spent together in our youthful days, and a personal interview would be as pleasant and as much disirable on my part as any person in my acquaintance.

Dempsey Johnston and Hermon Hair is very acceptably here, they intend to start for home in the morning, by whom I intend to send this.

Benjamin Lundy has left here and gone to Tennefsee and has taken charge of [Embry?] printing office in order to fulfill his aggreements to his subscribers, he is Expected to return here to his family when the time Expires. he has an agent here to whom I Deliver the many and necessary instructions thro which channel I think thy request for the young man will be fulfilled. I thought I informed thee some time ago that I attended Indiana yearly meeting last fall, I stayed one night with thy Brother Jeremiah at his own house, they appeard. to be in a tolerable comfortable situation has a very good piece of Land, and capable of being made very handsome they seemed well satisfied therefore I think it is a mistake about their being gone to Blue River, we frequently have accounts from that quarter & have heard nothing of their move. I paid to him when there $20 an amount of money thou advanced for Blanchards Black people principle $19-Interest-$1-thou may rest satisfied it is settled to satisfaction. he informd. me he intended to write thee on that and other subjects immediately I am surprised he omitted it.

William Foster left us last 5th day and is making his way to the North. I think likely he will visit you next Fall. George [Wethy?] another friend from England has [been?] here stayed with us 7 or 8 nights and attended meetings in the days he is gone to the Eastward. he came immediately from New Garden NCarolina did not go as low down as your parts. I rather Expect he will soon imbark for home.

Thou may call on Doctor Hempstead for the receipt thou gave me for money and from Pipkim this shall be full authority for his giving it up. I intend soon to write to Hempstead and will mention it to him if I dont forget it. William Flanner is gone with another friend to the Indians which are about to Establish a school , we Expect them back this week, his wife is in a much better state of health than she has been for a year or two past.

We are just informd. by a friend of Virga. Yearly Meeting that they have concluded to propose to your yearly meeting for your [Yearly or Quarterly] to join them. I wish you may attend best wisdom to be to be rightly directed, and not move in the dark in these important concerns. if it seems right to join them the place where it should be held is a secondary consideration. therefore should not be taken in [account?] before the first conclusion is [concluded?] friends no doubt will be willing to hold it where they could be best accomodated.

I remain thine affectionately,

Isaac Parker


Josiah Parker
North Carolina
near Murfreesborough
favoured by Dempsey Johnston

Recd. the 30th of 6th Mo. 1822



Parker, Isaac, “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 14,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed October 18, 2024,


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