Josiah Parker Papers Letter 13

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 13


Letter to Josiah Parker from Israel Corse.


Corse, Israel




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Josiah Parker Newyork 3 mo 26th 1822

Respected Friend

I have Recd. thy letter of the 16th ult. and the bag of cotton alluded to [ammest?] is the acct. of the wt. of sale of both bogs as markd. on them. Richard Mott bot. the last bag sent it from the contdient to his factory says he will have wd. there it may pofsibly vary a trifle in the wt.

1 bag wd. 228# @20 cts. --$45.60
2 " 234# @20 cts. --$46.80
paid fraight 1 ct. on each 4.62
postage 25 $4.87

The[e] will please direct Chas. Collins and myself how we shall pay this sum as Richard Mott is in the cotton manufacturing line he would like to have considerable quantitys of it likewise free rice would be a desirable article here but as it regards bacon, I dont think it would answer so well as we have a great plenty of that Kind of provitions raisd. by freemen in our own adjoining states. good hams is now selling as low as 8cts. Elizabeth Coggeshall says she saw thy Brother Jerimiah Parker & family at Blue River a long way from Richmond they was well but did not appear to be settled. Wm. Williams was sick had raisd. blood but was better and attended meeting the 28th of 11th last as Charles Collins proposes writing thee on this sheet I refer thee to his communication to the rest of thy enqueries and as he is in the habbit of vending nothing but free goods. I can recommend thee to him as a sutible and safe person to addrefs all thy communication to respecting goods and will [freely?] aid him in the disposial of them all I can. Please to give my love to Jarad Pattinson and all the Kind friends that I saw when with you

Thy friend


Israel Corse

[The following was on the same sheet.]

Charles Collins of No 4 Cherry Street, near the Franklin Bank New York to Josiah Parker

Respected friend,

Several months ago a friend by the name of Libni Barnard of Guilford County North Carolina was in this City I had some conversation with him respecting free Rice, and being informed by him that some Casks of that article raised clear of Slavery might be had in his neighbourhood or not far off I desired him to send me Some which he engaged to do; he sailed just before the great gale and whether he ever reached his home or not I cannot tell but I have not heard from him. I think he told me there was a neighbourhood of Scotch people who had not Slavery and who raised some Rice: I thought as thou lived no great distance from that County and felt a concern to promote the use of free goods, thou might be willing to write to Libni Barnard or to some friends and if no Rice has been sent to me to request them to forward me two Casks of free Rice clean and of good quality as speedily as may be and on as low terms as they can as I purpose having it for sale I must have my Rice as low or nearly so as any in the city. The present price of Rice is about $3 5/8 p cwt for the first quality, and is retailed at 25 Cents for 7 lbs; should the price in North Carolina with the charges make it come as high as $4 send me only one Cask. Perhaps by corresponding with people nearer the coast some free Rice may be had lower than in the interior. I wish thee to inform me what this postage will be as I wish to repay thee for the expence. I have made sale of the Cotton without any Commifson I have obtained a high price which I hope will prove satisfactory. I am more at a lofs to get free Rice than almost any article of Southern produce; friends often enquire of me for it, but I have not had a pound in a year.

from thy friend

Charles Collins

the 27th day of the third month 1822

I would prefer having the Rice raised by friends, but am willing to have it from others if free from Slavery.


Josiah Parker
North Hamton County
N Carolina to the Care of Jno Wheeler

Recd. the 14th of 4th Mo. 1822



Corse, Israel, “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 13,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed March 31, 2025,


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