Josiah Parker Papers Letter 16

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 16


Letter to Josiah Parker from John Bailey, Jr.


Bailey, John Jr.




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Hanover 5th Mo 11th 1823

Esteemed frd.
Josiah Parker

Nathan has got quite out of patience waiting for a letter from home, we have not received one since we left Carolina, excepting one from Isaac Overman and it makes Nathan quite homesick, he has put off writing for two or three weeks past with the expectation every day of receiving one from thee, he has now concluded to wait no longer, it affects him no other way than depresses his spirits, his health seems to be improved, people tell him he grows fleshy but he thinks his Clothes only shrink a little, he put his great coat on to wear to meeting to day he complained of its having shrunk considerable the weather has been and continues to be very cold for the season, people have scarcely begun to plant yet, we have had two or three very severe snowstorms since we got home, one which came the last of the third Mo. or 1st of the 4th was the most severe I think that I ever knew the snow was very much drifted it was 15 feet deep in some places in the roads, thou recollects we left one of our friends at Elizabeth to be sent on by some vessel, we left it in the care of Capt. Reed he mentioned that there was a vessel then a loading not far from Elizabeth that belonged to Hingham that he would try to get the trunk on board of him but whether he did or not I have not yet heard, but the vessel sailed the day before the storm and has not been heard of since and without doubt she is lost and all the hands with her, we expect to hear soon, whether the trunk was on board of her or not. I had considerable property in it besides a considerable part of Nathans Clothes, I must leave off to give Nathan room remember me to every branch of thy family and to all that inquire after me.

P. S. Wool carding machines may be had here for 300 Dollars thy frd. John Bailey.

[In the same letter is the following:]

Dear father and family. I enjoy pretty good health and hope that you enjoy the same. I often think of thee and mother and my dear Brothers and sisters and aunt Winny I have been about amongst my friends some and have got some acquainted with them. I often thinks of the advice that my much Esteemed friend Jarred Patterson gave me I consider it as a great favour from him I should be glad to see many of my friends in Carolina. our friend Micajah Collins has set out for a general visit through your parts and its like he will be at thy house I have been at work upon a clock for myself with some of there assistance ive got nearly half done and when I get it to work I shall have to be out considerable of money for me to have to spend I was _____ that thou may try and get what money is owing to me there and send it when thou canst the face will cost me about four dollars and a plain pine case varnished will cost about fifteen dollars, when I came here there was but little snow but a few days afterward it snowed untill the snow was about two feet deep the twenty 5th we had another about 1 foot deep the last day of the third month and first of the fourth was a severe snowstorm the severiest that has been known for many years it was supposed to be fourteen or fifteen feet deep in many places, the fifth of this month it snowed right per__ for a while so that I think the ground was nearly covered and it remains cold yet verry cold for time in year

While waiting to receive from thee
A letter which for days is expected to see
But now is begin to grow very impatient
In waiting for a letter to be sent
The snows have been frequent and verry deep
So as to cause some to mourn and others to weep
Forms practices and customs do appear
Verry odd to me in many respects here
I think by then six months doth exspire
If nothing prevents i expect i shall [retire?]
which time will seem to me verry agreeable
I hope to keep in my proper place if i meet with trouble
Although i think prejudice appears to be alive where
Perhaps to some of there sorrow is fear
There monthly meetings do no seem so pleasant As they are with you at rich square

I write as things occur if i write improper thou must excuse me knowing that am not [a] schollar if should mention any thing that should seem to thee strong keep it pretty much to thy self

Trees have begun to put a little some have small leaves I must conclude i wish to be remembered to my friends and acquaintances give my love to my cousins outlands Peelees and aunt Judith and family and aunt mary Parker and family

Nathan Parker

Dear little sisters be obedient to your tender parrents; be careful to spend your time in good employments: I should be glad to see you all if it should ever bee my happy lot i should be verry thankful

Nathan Parker

P. S. When we parted thou requested me to write once a month but thou must consider that I am in a strange place and i may say verry lonesome at times i think that if any one ou[gh]t to receive letters often it ou[gh]t to be me. I have looked for Days in anxious expectation for a letter But invain I wish for thee to write to me as often as once a month.


Hanover, Ma
May 12
Josiah Parker
North Carolina

Recd. 6th of 6th Mo 1825
Recd. this the 6th of 6th mo.



Bailey, John Jr., “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 16,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed March 31, 2025,


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