Josiah Parker Papers Letter 19

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 19


Letter to Josiah Parker from Jeremiah Parker.


Parker, Jeremiah




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Wayne County Indiana, 7th Mo. 2nd 1824--

Esteemed Brother & Sisters

I at last undertake to give a little information--we are mostly favioured with tolerable health tho some little complaint as pains in my Sholder at this time so as to cause very unpleasant feeling, my wife is but weakly has her house businefs to attend too herself as our selves & Isaac is all the family we have, Robert was Married the 23rd of 1st Mo last to Miriam the Daughter of John Bell they live 20 miles from us I heard from them last first day they were well, Catherine was married the 22nd 4th Mo. last lives 15 miles from us to Nathan Macy of Silver Creek Mo. meeting an alarming accident happened to her in lefs than 4 weeks after She went there to live one first day afternoon She went to her father in laws as She got to the cook room door a weight pole slipt off struck on the side of her head & Sholder but her [down?] was greatly wounded a docter was called blead her did up her wound after about a week She appeared to git in a have way to be well then was taken with a severe fever was much dispared of for a considerable time her mother Stayed with her 18 days left her last 2nd day to appearance bravly on the mend, John & Sally Hall’s Children is in usual health tho Sally is but weakly I suppose it is not worth while to Say a thing about their situation any more, I have not heard from Jemima & husband since the 3rd Mo. last was well then by this thou may see the Scattered Situation of our Children

William Williams remains in his confined Situation Still declining before long we think he will be removed from works to reward he appears to be in Sweet frame of mind resigned I believe to the masters will, Charles Osborn Exspects to set of[f] this Mo. for your parts I Exspect will if he is favioured to get along agreeable to his present prospect to reach your yearly meeting John Smith has obtained a certificate to accompany him & so to Virginia, It was moving to read thy letter I recd. from thee last fall So many taken of of my former acquaintances I am almost tempted to Say come away tho if in line of duty no matter where we are so I leave that Subject, hoping thou & thine Enjoys your usual health, I often think of my dear Sister want to here from her & children how many is married who of them remains with her, I also want to here from mary children where & how they are as I often have you all in rememberance at time with desires for your best Interest, What the cause may be I know not friends are moving here from all parts of the continent & Europe you continue of richsquare [States?] the closest to the old [steep?] of any so I dismifs that Subject

25th I wrote the above with a prospect to have sent it to Guilford by Joel Gilbert as he was here Moved the widdow morris from Pafquotank I was something disappointed in not receiving anything from thee when they came from the lower Countys the reason I did not finish & Send on was I was taken very Sick with Severe flex I think it was the the Sharpest Spell I ever had of that Complaint was mostly confined for 12 days I [now?] am reasonable well and only weakly Charles Osborn & John Smith sits of[f] tomorrow on theree Visit & John Hall is verry unwell with something like a [flux?] & fevers I hope it will not last long tho I cant tell how it may terminate, Catherine came here the next day after I wrote the above very weakly tho greatly mended Since I Exspect She will go home in a few days, The Money thou sent me I cant give any Statement only the 49 dollars is Credited 10th Mo. 1820 the 11 Do is Credited 7th Mo. 1822, my Gun was left to be sold for what it would fetch I Exspected it had been long ago as for ox yoak it was not strange to see if will fetch Nothing is apt to be the case under such circumstances Notwithstanding the whole amount will be but little yet if I had it would be some relief, it has been a very wet Spring & Summer untill about a week past has been mostly Dry weather a smart Shower today, crops of wheat is rather light for these parts we had [better] than 4 or 5 acres in wheat it was thin we got 145 Shocks or [Dogzares?] Suppose it will make Ca 73 bushels or upwards corn looks Pretty well on the on the rolling land tho badly on the flat or leavel so many weeds. Since our yearly meeting has been Established White Water Quarter has been divided one known by the name of New garden White Water mo meeting has been divided known by the name of Chester, I went to Wm Wms a few days ago I think he still declines & think he Shortly will be removed from works to reward, I thou Should send any money to next yearly meeting for me it need not be returned as there is note six months in the years but what there is a chance from then Send to P Albertson or Joel Gilbert then it Will not be long before it will be sent on to me, Robert & wife has been here Since I wrote the fore part of this Nerative, I once requested thee to let me know how the Suits was Called in Rhodas & wife Vs. C Moore A James & C also B. R. & P ___suit went I also want to here the Situation of Saml. family I Exspect to send this by Post as I know of no other chance I want to here from friends in those parts very much I understand that Thomas Peele recovered his sicknefs last fall was Pleased to here the account as he feels very near to me. Remember our love to him & Lydia & Sarah Elliott and Enquiring friends in thy freedom I Exspect to set of[f] the day after tomorrow on the Quarterly meeting appointment to Visit Several meetings on account of a request made by some of the meeting for an alteration so concludes in which my wife & children joins me thy affectionate Brother

Jeremiah Parker

Josiah Parker

Please to communicate the contents of this to Eli & Sarah Copeland as we often have them in mind Myself & wife and Catherine Sally Isaac have all wishes to be remembered to [Wison?] & want to [lye?] ____ affectionately J. P.


Josiah Parker
Northampton County
N Carolina
Near Murfreesborough

Richmond IN
July 25 25
Recd the 24th of the 9th Mo 1824



Parker, Jeremiah, “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 19,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed March 31, 2025,


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