Josiah Parker Papers Letter 22

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 22


Letter to Josiah Parker from William Parker.


Parker, William




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At Uncle Isaac Parkers
4th Mo 22 1828

I arrived here the 15th of this mo I crofsed the Ohio River 13th got to Joseph Parkers the rest crofsed 14 and went on to Barnesville all my company got here safe except Charlotts youngest child which died 11th in the morning, which detained us several hours; I will give the names of the Countys and Towns to this place, 22nd of 3rd mo we pasfed through Petersburg; 23rd, through Richmond it was dark when we got through, and nearly all wet for it rained hard this day, we got 1 1/2 miles from Town, took up by the side of the Road, on Robert Gordens land in Harriet City, cut west and made three fires, his overlooker came to us in the morning and charged us with trefspafs, and went to R. G. and came back and said if him and me or we could settle it between ourselves well, but if not he would have recourse to law; he charged $3 we paid it but were not satisfied, I went to see R. G. and found him he said it was a Pennetensairy act but said he did not want to take money of those poor devils and paid it back if any more of you should come this way this may serve as a caution 24th we crofsed Checkahemany swamp and up a bad hill took up in Hanover Cty 25th good weather we came up Monhey River on the tole Bridge. Road bad 26th in Caroline pafsed through Bolingreen Town at the court house 27th through Fredericksburg in Spotsylvania Cty over Rapahanic River on a tole Bridge through Falmouth in Stafford Cty it rained a little; 28th went on got into Farquir 29th very warm went through Warrenton a Town in this County at the Court house pretty good road Snow had we got along here 30 days Sooner we could not have got along but little if any; 30th we came through Salem 13 miles from the Blue ridge we stoped between to feed it was warm & road pretty good, a thunder storm came on and rained considerable we came on 4 or 5 miles and took up by the road side the wind arose and blew violently all night 31st cool rain and snow this morning, Slacked about midday the blue ridge had turned white and roads very muddy 4th mo. 1 I staid with R. Matthews last night an elderly friend who lives at the tole gate on the Bridge in Federick beautiful weather to day, went through Milwood and took up in 1 mile of Winchester 2nd considerable frost this morning, went through Town Wn. and Newtown and took up the wind blew hard and [hisn?] all night, 3th of the mo. we pased the place B B lay so long in Hampshire it was quite cool we took up at forks of the Old Town and Springfield roads, it commenced Snowing in the night 4th Snowed till about 12 in the morning we crofsed big Capen and North River yesterday and crofsed little capen today it was nearly gone by night; we came down two bad hills and took up close to the Patomac River it was cold and snowed a little 5th fair and cold this morning went over the River just below where the north and South Branch comes together this Road is better than the one I went before in to Maryland Alagany County, cold mountains white we came through Old town it freezed all day in the shade, it snowed in the night again 6 cold weather we got to Cumberland about 11 in the morning on the National Road 130 miles Ohio River, the wind blew winter like, it snowed by storms until about 12 at night, we came through Frostburg 7 Cold and ground covered with Snow and ice, 8 Snow again last night and today though not so cold as it was yesterday we came into Pennsylvania through Petersburg and Smithfield in Somerset Cty and into Fayette the snow is pretty much gone here we Staied at a public in[n] last night 9th we had a beautiful day though the Snow lay frequently in sight on the mountains, we went over the Laurel hill I saw tags of ice more than 3 feet long this day through Monroe & Union town 10th we went on through Brownsville and Bridgeport joining each other on Monongahalia River we came over in to Washington County through Centerville 11th we came through Belleville and Hillsborough towns it rained last night considerable, 12th I came to Washington market early this morning apples were selling at 18 3/4/100 p bushel they are plenty here in Ohio at 25 cts we came on through Claysville & West alexander and in Ohio Cty V A and staid 14 miles from Ohio River 13 rainy all last night and snow and rain nearly all day but we went on some of us got Weeling about 1 or 2 oClock Evening I left them in a hut on the other side the River in VA and went to Joseph Parkers it was night when I got there I was glad to get there found them well or nearly so Abigail has left them about 2 months since and go to live with Joshua [Strat?] 5 or 6 hundred yards off they made short work of it perhaps owing to the division their monthly meeting is laid down in consciquence thereof 14th very muddy cold and snowy it snowed at times all day I went to the River and staid untill they all got over and rode back, to JP and staid all night 15th frost this morning I came to mt pleasant Saw Rhoda Parker She was tolerable well there __ but three of Jacobs Parkers children living two Sons and stopped at S Jones’s they were pretty well on not much complaint amongst them they live in town tell T D Laurence S Jones says he wrote him immediately after the reception of his letter and a lot on the other side the street or road was sold for $15 S J Says its worth T D L lot/$25 J Parker Says $50 but it appears no person wants to purchase that lot I know of 23 still at J Parkers they all pretty well Juliana Parker Mary is here and well Mary Farmer has a daughter calls her name Sarah P F they are here know exspects to move soon to Richmond. I have been to See Benajahs & Jefse Parkers all pretty well I met Wm Flanner Jonathan Taylor Mildred Ratliff and Several others going down the laurel hill in Penna. Wm Flanner Set out for Europe he was well I have bought a beast for $40 about 3 years old She is large a plenty 24 at J Pattersons I staid at George Parkers last knight they were well except Uncle J. Parker he is quite weakly but not confined to his bed he set up some while I was there G. P. desires to be remembered to all his relations Lydia Parker lives with him She is well and about E Parker is her sister. Jefse Baileys family pretty well tell John Peelle. 25[th] I am at Carrleys Judgkins tell Joel Peele they are all well-- I am well except a cold I was quite well all the time I was on the road. I am at C Judkins its rainy to day I intend to Set out for Indiana tomorrow if nothing prevents me from doing so. Jared Patterson and wife desires to be remembered to you

Josiah Parker
Wm. Parker

[The following was included in the same letter:]

Belmont County ohio the 24th 4th Mo 1828

Esteem friend

having an opportunity of sending a line to thee am wiling to imbrace it I may inform thee that several of my family has been unwell with hards colds and the youngest is yet I may inform thee that my Brother Silas Deceased the 9 of this instace with the Billous Pluresy the Doctors said and we have every cause to believe that he ended his days in peace with the Lord his maker and ther[e] has been a number of deaths in these parts the past winter and this Spring I think with the same kind of fever I may inform thee that I receaved thy letter by Joseph [Dondoney?] and the money that thee sent North was except to me and thee wishes me to let thee know something about the note of mine that was put in thy hands to collect there was none but Susana [Karfings?] and I dont Remember whether mathew Morgan has settled all & thee can tell if he had there is none other J the blacks that thou has sent on has all reached here except Charlets babe that Deceased a few day before they got here and they seem well satisfied I may inform thee that thaire is a large number of members of our society within the limits of our yearly meeting that is gone off into the new views and seting up meeting of thire ______ and we are disowning them fast and we are favoured with quiet meetings again so no more but conclud in Love to thee and and other inquiring friends and Remain thy Effectionate friend

Jared Patterson

P. S. [from William Parker] it cost the black people about $20 to get to the Ohio. I believe I have wrote as much as I can well think of am going to send it to you for correction you may send my Certificate on to Duck Creek or Milford in Wayne County I know not what County D Creek is in

Wm Parker


Barnesville O
26 April

Josiah Parker or
James Peele
N. C.

Recd. 13th of 5th mo. 1828

[The following is written on the envelope:]

A certain cure for the bite of a snake Pulverized charcole and mixed it with hogs Lard so as to make aplaster, make a plaster of it and apply to the wound renewing it for every 20 or 30 minutes for 10 or 12 hours Also drink new milk

For grubs, and bots in Horses
Jerusalem oak root green or dryed a pound boil it in a gallon of water, down to a quart drinck the Horses fasting.



Parker, William, “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 22,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed March 31, 2025,


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