Josiah Parker Papers Letter 26

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 26


Letter to Josiah Parker from William Parker.


Parker, William




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Richmond Wayne County Indiana 10th Mo 16 1828

Frd. Josiah Parker By Request of thy son I write a few lines to thee we have Just attended a favoured yearly meeting a favoured time In which time I have seen Elias Hicks with some others and he in a few words convinced me in Regard to his doctrines he stated the creation of Adam was a greater mericle than the conception of Jesus Christ his he put on a level with John the Baptist and Isaac that Pauls Exprefsions must be proved that the fullnefs of the godhead did not dwell in Jesus Christ Else would take him out of Every other part that the scripture were not all true I wish only the the Spirit in us would own that Christ was not god this is wrote in haste thee will understand.

James White

At John Smiths I have wrote and sent it on by Zachariah Coffin. there is something more which I left out that thou ought to know direct letters for me to West Liberty Rush County I.a. by the way of Washington City as th[e]y may get there sooner we had several little frost the fore part of 9th mo last and first of this mo hard frost a great frost this morning T Shilatoe has gone for N. C. Yearly meeting. I exspect thee will see him at Richsquare I did not get acquainted with him I think its likely I shall go to Washington City or old blew River in the 12th mo. next I dont think there is much of this ranting Spirit at our little meeting just yet but its to be feared. If Thomas has gone from Dickhomany to bare Swamp let me know Something about it when thee writes me and what his problems in regard ____________ dry indeed at this time _______ very dusty I went not to a single meeting of E. Hixes I dont know but I should have gone but there was Considerable said against Friends going thereto by T. Shilatoe Charles Osburn and others theres great mast here this year so that there will be a great many squirrels raised no doubt. they were very bad on new settlers last fall. I heard one man say sometime ago th[e]y and other wild animals ate 100 bushels of Corn for him last fall but there no proof of it that I know of, wild pigeons were very plenty in our neighborhood when I left there when I got to S. P. last Spring he had Sweet potatoes up and looked well. I have regretted that I did not take some of the yams along with me. I[f] thee should ever remove here and come with a waggon take thy log chains one or both hitch one end round the fore axle here it will make one of the best of lock chains and they will be worth more here than there I write this in the cold and in haste as I intend setting out for home soon S. P went off last week about the middle of the yearly meeting it held until second day knight.

Josiah Parker
William Parker


Josiah Parker
Northampton County
North Carolina

Attention of Joshua Moore
Recd. the 11th of 11th mo. 1828 [appears twice]



Parker, William, “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 26,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed March 31, 2025,


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