Josiah Parker Papers Letter 25

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 25


Letter to Josiah Parker from Jeremiah Parker.


Parker, Jeremiah




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10th Mo. 12th 1828

Esteemed Brothers and Sisters all

This may inform that we are but feeble in this our old and declining age tho not seriously afflicted I have been much afflicted of late with the old disinefsnes in my eyes been afflicted that way this week in time of our yearly meeting which is very large altho so many has Seperated from us & joined the new doctrine so called or in other words hicksites old Elias Hicks is About Richmond at this time I mention this as you may be guarded against his Principles tho I trust as you are forewarned you may be [forearmed?], I have learned from thy sons thou art often under complaint Some ways, I was very sorry to hear of the affliction of my sister which I suppose is very Seviere. I truly Sympathize with & greatly pity her, not Exspecting ever to be in your parts any more, I also was informed Sarah Elliott was sorely afflicted with a cansor I feeling Sympathize with her also our children are not all of them come to see us this yearly meeting Jemima, her Husband came, Robert Catherine and husband lives near Robert has bought a small piece of land there 60 Acres they have 3 children one Son & 2 daughters I have not been able to labour much at hard work for the most part of the last Summer and fall People are Mostly in health we have very small Poor little meeting which I have thought we Should not keep a preparative meeting much longer, I fail very much in the use of the pen to what I once was, thy Sons were both here in the course of the yearly meeting. I think its the difficultest time to write of any in time of yearly meeting week of any here are Many valuable friends from different parts of this continent which have been very Exceptable at this time of triall which has caused many heavy minds and much lengthy vocal Exercise in which our dear Brother Charles Osborn had a large Share he stands firm & faithfull thou wilt here many circumstances, the yearly meeting Still continues I [now?] much Exspect for it [to] break tomorrow being first day Evening many friends has gone home Still many left So in Love I conclude in which my wife Joins me to you all thy affectionate Brother & Sister

Josiah & Martha Parker
Jeremiah Parker
Judith Copeland

[The following is included in the same letter:]

Dear Uncle & family

I am at my fathers may say we are in pretty good health, tho my wife is mostly weakly, we have two little daughters named Mary & Lydia, we lost our first born a son

I have not an opportunity of writing much so ask thee to give my respects to Aunt Judith Copeland and hers, John Hall his and His sons James Pelle and family John Peelle and his mother and brother and Thomas Peele, thine with affection

Robert Parker


Josiah Parker
Northampton County
Attention of Joshua Moore
Recd. the 13rd of 11th Mo 1828 [appears twice]
from Jeremiah & Robert Parker



Parker, Jeremiah, “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 25,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed March 31, 2025,


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