Josiah Parker Papers Letter 28

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 28


Letter to Nathan Parker from William Parker.


Parker, William




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Rush County Indiana 1829 8th mo. 17th

Dear Father Mother brothers and sisters, we have recd. the letters by Aaron White the forepart of Sixth month last, the letter by C Moore came to hand the 11th of this mo. I have had a cold some time am not clear of it yet am rather weakly at present. there was a considerable storm here last 6th day so as to damage corn very much some places whole crops ruined report say mine was not much injured. I got between 3 and 4 acres in corn was very agreeably disappointed in the spring the elm mast served the squirrels so they pulled but little corn for me my corn stood well I exspect if nothing more happens to it to make about 30 barrels ploughed it once after braking up, howed once its very tall and rank 3, 4, 5, and 6 stalks in a hill. I exspect to make about 50 bushels of Irish potatoes I have about 4 hundred sweet potatoes hills about 3/4 of them are yams they look beautiful. I got one peck of plantings from sand Creek about 60 miles from here. I fenced in about 8 acres what I did not plant has grown up in weeds I got 31 dozen of wheat perhaps will make 10 or 12 bushels 20th cool this morning. I have been at our monthly meeting it held late Daniel Pucket was there. there was a young man buried at our meeting house last first day by name Josiah Coal his father lived in the neighborhood of Spring borough Ohio Josiah came down last Spring made a crop built a cabin his father mother and one Sister moved down about two weeks or three before his death he was the only son--I heard from Zang and family last week they were well is likely to make a great crop. Edward Peele and wife are weakly he has a fine crop of corn. I have understood 21st cool this morning I have not heard from uncle Jeremiah in about a month uncle and aunt were weakly then I wrote a letter Some time in 3rd mo last to you I dont know whether I mentioned Charles Fishers death or not he died some [time] last spring. James Staton was at White water Quarterly meeting in the Sixth mo. himself and family I think were tolerable well--I was at blue River Quarterly meeting the 4th seventh day in last mo friends there have built a new meeting house [“got it or” is scribbled out] so as to hold meetings in--Sarah Albertson continues to be confined to her room I think its likely She will not recover to health P Moore and most of her family were weakly--Crops looked very poor in some places there--the young man that was with Exum White at his house when he was going to Indiana died in Salem last Spring I have got a Crop to take care of and not any thing fit to ride much as my mare has a colt So that I dont see any chance for me ever ____ the mountains any more and in fact I am not able at _____ time without going in debt--I have got a cabin up on my lot Thomas and Rebecca came on and perhaps they may stay here awhile and look about and for all I know may cultivate my land or let me live with them and help me to do it as I would be glad to have company--little Josiah was very bad off [some?] time ago with the gravely complaint has not had any symptoms of it lately I believe I have wrote as much or all thats worth wrighting and perhaps more and so conclude

Josiah Parker
Wm Parker
Nathan Parker

[The following was included in the same letter:]

19th of 8th mo 1829

As there seames to be a vacancy I thougt I wafs willing to write you a few loins by thy request informing that we are in yousiel helth at present but it has bin qute weekly with some of our neighbours they have got a bout again about Benjamin J. Harrison’s Note James Roberts says that he put it in the cunstables hands for collection one of the Dupreys and took his receipt and brote it with him to this Cuntry which I expect to send by Phinehas White [“James Roberts says” is scribbled out] as he expects to be in or pass through that part of the cuntry next fall or to your yearly meeting I have about 6 acres in corn 4 of them planted tolerable fenced the rest the 10th of 6th mo. which is Some hurt With the wind and hail I have got out my Wheet but not got it all Cleaned but I think that there will be between 25 and 30 bushels I have a right prity little potatoe patch which is of an excellent sort and a prity Smart Irish potatoe patch I made 215 lbs of Shugar last Season 26th Crops has been very promising thoug there is a good deal of Corn destroyed but if nothing more turns up there will [“good deal” is scribbled through] be prity great Crops in many placefs it only went in glads I have but little time to writ as W Parker is now going of[f] to the monthly meeting and expects to put it in the office before he returns I expect if noth turn up to try to writ to your yearly Meeting by that young man and so I must conclude and remain your effectionate Children Mother is here and wishes to be remembered to you and to many more of her acquaintances

Samuel Parker


West Liberty Ind
Aug 24

Nathan Parker
Northampton County
By the City of Washington
North Carolina
Post Office

Recd. 26th of 9th mo. 1829 From Samuel
William Parker



Parker, William, “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 28,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed March 31, 2025,


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