Josiah Parker Papers Letter 29

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 29


Letter to Josiah Parker from Samuel Parker.


Parker, Samuel




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Rush County Indiana 1829-12th month 27th

to my Parents Brothers and sisters as there seams to be chance of getting or forwarding a letter to you by James Binford as he is now at Mycajah Binfors on his way to your country we are are all in yousual health at present My Brother W P has bin gone something like a month out about Newgarden among the Woodards he wafs well as common when he went a way our relations and friends are tolerable well at present all but Benajah wife She got throde of[f] her horse last fourth day wafs a week as she returnd. from meeting and hurt her so that She cant help herself but very little her wound seams to be mostly in her shoalder we have had a great deal of [wet?] this fall and winter the waters has risen 5 times in about 10 or 12 days wev had no great deal of Snow to by this winter yet 1st mo 4th we have had nearly a weeks of prity weather and a close rainy day to day so as to raise the waters higher then they have bin this winter or fall before there has bin several people drownded in them as we under stand 1st mo. 21st it has bin midlin good weather few days 1st Mo. 24th three last past days has bin so Cold and windy as to be very dangerous to be in the woods more specily in deadning if the[e] should git this time a [nuf?] the[e] may write by the barier my Brother fetched thirty Dollars two Dollars and 40cts discounted leaving the balance twenty seven Dollars and 60 cents Recd. 4 Dollars by Aron White or 5 Dollars of it, no particular Complain amongst us to day nothing mor at present but remaining your loving Son and Daughter and Brother and Syster

James Parker

Our Relations is quite
well to day all But Judith
and She is on the mend but
not able to youse her arm
the ground is all whitened in snow but not deep

I am going to send the Receipt that J Roberts took for one of Samuels notes the letter that ___ wrote Stenography in is mislaid or I think I left is at my uncles J P but I dont think I was mistaken I know the meaning of that word

Wm Parker

[The following letter was included:]

Rush County Indiana 1st mo 24th 1830

At Micajah Binfords I am in good health at this time I have went to our Quarterly meeting it rained 6th day before meeting raised the waters so that they were not fordable I crofsed White water twice 7th and first days each Staid on this side the River through the quarterly meeting I crofsed the River on a foot bridge There was one woman drowned on 7th day in the time of Q M after meeting I went to the settlement of Arby monthly meeting north of Richmond about 10 miles distant. I was with A. White it was the mudyest time or one of the mudyest times I ever saw also Cherry grove Settlement it was a very wet fall on after Yearly meeting until new year come in rain and snow frequently it turned cold very --rward in the fall sooner than common its been so wet that people have been very much [put to in?] to house their corn. I exspect there is a great quantity of corn yet in the fields people are generally pretty healthy about Newgarden David Puckett was in tolerable health he said he wants Nathan to come to Newport or mudport as I sometimes call it for it was the mudyest town I ever saw Samuel Pritchard lives there himself and Wife are in tolerable health. I was at Kader Woodards and Nathan Parker they were all tolerable well, Rachel Wished to be remembered to all her relations Thomas Josiah Lydia and [Abslet?] are nearly grown are very Smart reede a plenty Lydia said she wanted too see aunt Ann and uncle Jonathan talked of wrighting to them I left Kader Woodard I think on New years day (I receved thy letter the 24 of last mo. at Newgarden meeting house) and went to Richmond went to my uncles him and aunt were both weakly but so as to be about-Isaac is a stout young man and one of the smartest youngsters in Indiana to his chances as some say and I think so too. John Halls family were tolerable healthy there was considerable talk of the small pox several death occasioned thereby they say I was inochulated it made me sick five days have got well of it-I staid about Richmond about a week was at Eli Townsends Father in laws they informed me Eli and famyly were well the last account they had one child. I then came on to Milton Some of the people there talked they thought Nathan could do good businefs there I dont want you to give over coming away from there I was at John Bells they were tolerable well then went [to] Robert Parkers his eldest and youngest children were Sick the former got better the child was like to die when I left there the rest of them tolerable well G Stanley and Jamima and their 5 children were tolerable well Nathan Mary Katherine and their 3 children were middlen well People moved in abundance last fall more than common like I dont think has been known for years past notwithstanding the muddy roads, mostly pafsed by us on [towards?] the Warbash ______ many went there away and some are moving ____ time its better time now than has been for some time. I Saw Samuel Nixon and Wife last Sixth day as I was returning from our monthly meeting they were moving to the Warbash they were married some time since yearly meeting _____ Selling if an opportunity should offer that ___________for I exspect be glad _______ someway or other if I am to have any of the_______t perhaps it might do me as much good know as ever it will if thee could net $400 for it and give Thomas and me some of it would be best ____ If I could have one hundred I Should be glad of it fifty I could do with and perhaps [more] I exspect to work out so over time if I can get good wages. I have got tired of working on my own place and boarding at Samuels its about two miles I now exspect to board awhile at Pearson Lacys he lives about ___ 1/2 mile I exspect to work some with him ___ w_____ and dont know but I shall undertake to teach School after a little if they suit me ____ them though not very anxious I dont believe it would suit near well as to work in on a farm

Josiah Parker
William Parker

What I have wrote I wrote on my knee by firelight Second day morning 25th of the mo. I am in tolerable health this morning the [weather?] has moderated considerable Robert White is very anxious to Sell his place his place joins Samuel has got _________ improvements on it he is some in debt but I believe the cause of his moving or wanting to move is partly on account of their being a considerable number of coloured people in and about this settlement. Willis Roberts that come ______ from there last spring has been very much dissatisfyed with this part of the world wants to come back to [Northampton?]

Nathan I think as thee rides about so much thee might take some tools and start and come and make something by the way perhaps in the ____ loosing as I do or did, if thee should undertake to come thee might get with moving people and keep up with and have some time to do little jobs along the way and when the[e] gets here thee might be _________________ as I do or I think so Send me a letter by J. B. when he returns and ____________________


Josiah Parker
Northampton County
North Carolina

Recd. 6th of 3rd 1830



Parker, Samuel, “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 29,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed March 31, 2025,


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