Josiah Parker Papers Letter 39

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 39


Letter to Nathan Parker from William and A. Parker.


Parker, William and A.




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Rush County Indiana 12th mo 26th 1833

Dear mother brothers and sisters--I recd. thy letter the 8th of this month which contained sorrowful news to me but as we believe our loss is his eternal gain it does not seem so hard though its very trying the last letter from my Dear father which I have recd. was wrote in 8th moth. 1832 it was nearly worn out when I got it I heard 2 or 3 weeks before I got thy letter (the sad account) by a letter from aunt L. P. I was very much in hopes I should have got a letter or part of one from him as the time has been so long since he wrote me I have been to see Uncle J P and aunt they were both able to be up though weakly yet so as frequently to get to meeting, no gre[a]t deal of complaint among the rest of of our relations there away went as far as Caleb Morris’s they were tolerable well I went to see Zang he is making out tolerable well saw one of Edward Peells children Mary she is about as large as her mother E P is much afflicted or something is the matter so that he is but little or no account his property sold from him by law-- Zang wishes to have the ages of his children sent to [him?] I saw P. Lamb he gave me some information about things there away among the rest Eli and Elwood I understand exspects to come out in the spring I should be glad to see them in this country come on if you do want to come to aplace where you can get plenty of cake; and but little money make Nathan thou said something about my comeing there this winter which I should be glad to do which I see no likelihood of at present but if thou should come here and take a stand thou mayest see rich and poor land. this much to night on my [k]nee by firelight so read some and guefs at the balance but when thee writest me again write it very plain we are in tolerable health at this time except colds little Albert is a little over 4 moth. old was born 8th moth. 22rd Almeda was very sick something near two months. I applyed to a Doctor about 7 miles off he was to see her 11 or 12 times he is considered to be a skillfull Phisician I believe it is considered by the Doctors that it was one chance in a hundred that she ever got over it. 28th at night Joshua Binford is getting about again he has suffered abundance he had what the Doctors call the absess or St Anthonys fire one of his eyelids mortifyed the Doctors cut it off partly so and lanced his face or forehead in several places it run abundance not much other complaint remarkable Hannah Binford is here to night is tolerable well we have had abundance of snow last fall and this winter there was a great snow about the 20th of last moth. it snowed the most of last week it commenced forepart and melted nearly all the time and rained the forepart of this so as to raise the Creeks, and has been avery muddy time such roads I guefs you never saw it has turned colder seems like freesing up [“I exspect” is marked through] the National road about 5 miles off I exspect it will be passable by another fall as far as Indianiapolis some great Bridges on the way in building

I have got moved have one room finished--Nathan I want the[e] to inform me how things are left there how Mother is left and who is to do her out doors work and what or how the mill is left 29th I have been to meeting to day N Parashaw was there his family tolerable well Micajah Binford has sold 1 quarter of land for $1000 which he entered in 1826 sold with about $50 worth of improvement. land is mostly taken up hereaway improved good land high 1st moth 4th 1834 it [“turned” marked through] moderated the forepart of this week so as to rain big an[d] to turn colder it snowed on 4th day night and nearly all 5th day it has not thrawed much since it is very cold and snow about 1 inch deep good sledding when the roads were level before I sold two hogs to day which weighed 400# grofs at $2 per hundred this seems low with you, in fact it is so too the common price for fat hogs that will weigh about 200 neet is $2.50 cts per hundred our neighbourhood mills is frozed up so that grinding and sawing is stoped--5th of the moth. and 1st of the week we are in tolerable health this morning I exspect to send this to Ripley post office this day I want to hear from you every convenient chance and would like for letters to be frequently sent by mail when thee receives this write me an answer so give my best respects to all that enquires after me no more at present my wife sends her love to you all

Martha Parker Wm Parker
Thomas Parker A Parker
Nathan Parker

1st moth 1st 1834 Dear mother brothers and sisters Samuel is here with asore finger. I am about to write for him to you his family tolerable well except Rebecca she is weakly his children have got quite hearty again. I have 20 fat hogs and 3 large wheat stacks if any of you are inclined to come I can give you some fat meat and cake to ate pork that will weigh about 200# 2.50 cts its not been long since I wrote you a letter so shall conclude for the present with my best respects to all enquiring friends

Samuel Parker Martha Parker [crossed out]
M. Parker Samuel Parker


Ripley, Ind 25
1st Mo. 5th

Nathan Parker
Northampton Cty
Richsquare post office



Parker, William and A., “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 39,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed March 31, 2025,


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