Josiah Parker Papers Letter 40

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Josiah Parker Papers Letter 40


Letter to Nathan Parker from William Parker.


Parker, William




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Rush County I.a. 1st moth. 25th 1834

Dear mother brothers and sisters Nathan I recd. thy letter last first day. I wrote and sent off one about 2 weeks before I am glad to hear from you at anytime but would like to hear more about things there I think thee might have given me or us more information about our Dear fathers will for I do want to know it all and what or how sister Martha comes on whether she is much troublesome or not I know not whether I can ever visit N C more or not it is very uncertain [“about it at this time” is marked through] whether I can or not altho I should be very glad to be there and see you all but more so to see you all in this Country. I was very glad to hear of N and sister Sally comeing to our land there is a great many wooden Clocks in and here away also looking glafs and other mantle Clocks of Connectict yankey work I exspect 10 here for one there we have had very changeable weather of late has been several rainy spells but not more than two or three days at a time before it turns cold again it snowed last 2rd day and again yesterday and the forepart of to day rain and sleety this evening not much complaint among us at present except colds. Respecting thy enquiry father sent me by Aaron White $1 this is all the money that by James Binford 50 I have recd. from there since I I left there I wrote and sent off a letter last 8th moth. I want to know whether it came to hand or not and when if Eli and Elwood Copeland should come out in the spring send letters by them and let us [k]no[w] when you are comeing when thee writes by post again write on one sheet or if thee makes a little miss in backing it enterline it guess thou knowest that every peace found out by the post master is 25 ct first day morning 26th snow again last night Clear and cold this morning S Ps family well as far as I know not much complaint in our settlement that I know off let me know something about my fathers vandere if any I wrote last night and made such a scabling had of it perhaps you cannot understand it all. but guefs at for thats the way I have to do sometimes it is $51 is the sum and so conclude

Nathan Parker
Wm. Parker

Dear Sister, the few lines I recd. from thee was pleasing to me, I am glad to hear that you have a prospect of comeing to this country; which is a land of plenty as thou callest it. I think if you were to come you would not have cause to regrent it. Our little boy is quite thriving. When thou writest again pleas[e] to write something concerning my relations about Sumerton Creek. Mother is here on a visit and desires to be remembered to Prifscilla Cook and Elizabeth Binford. Please to give my love to Mother and Sisters and tell her I often think of her in her tried situation and would be pleased if it was in our power to render her some afsistance.

I have nothing more very interesting to write at present so I will conclude and remain thy loving Sister

Sarah Ann Parker
Almeda Parker


Ripley In
Jan 26th

Nathan Parker
Northam[p]ton County
Richsquare post office

Recd. the 15th ult.
This letter is on businefs in relation to the Estate which will answer as a Rect.



Parker, William, “Josiah Parker Papers Letter 40,” Earlham Exhibits, accessed March 31, 2025,


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