Browse Items (41 total)
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 41
N. C.
N. C.
Dear brother
Thou hast often Received communications from us when they have had the signature of our dear father, which could not be other than pleasant, but as there can be none with his own I shall be under the necessity of…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 40
Rush County I.a. 1st moth. 25th 1834
Dear mother brothers and sisters Nathan I recd. thy letter last first day. I wrote and sent off one about 2 weeks before I am glad to hear from you at anytime but would like to hear more about things there I…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 39
Rush County Indiana 12th mo 26th 1833
Dear mother brothers and sisters--I recd. thy letter the 8th of this month which contained sorrowful news to me but as we believe our loss is his eternal gain it does not seem so hard though its very trying…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 38
Rush County Indiana 9th moth. 16th 1832
Dear Father Mother brothers sisters all there away I have not received any accounts from you since you wrote to N Parasho last 5th moth. it seems like a long time I was at meeting to day Samuel and Rebecca…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 37
Rush County Indiana State
2rd mth 8th 1832 To my Parents We received 2 letters from the[e] and one from Nathan which wafs very satisfactory to us to here from you onst more and Should be glad to see you all; We have had a very Cold Winter here so…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 36
Wayne County Indiania 10th moth. 7th 1831
Dear Father Mother brothers and sisters I am at or in the settlement of Richmond have been to meeting every Day this week its now 6th day of the week the subject of abolishing the Slave trade in the United…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 35
Rush County Indiana State 6th of 7th mo. 1831
To my Parents Brothers and Sisters to you all in a furin land it appears that all the chance we have of hearing from each other is by pen ink and paper I would be glad to here from you oftener then I…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 34
1st mo 28th 1831
Dear brother
I left Blue River the 26th left Samuel and family tolerable well and not much complaint in that settlement I am not far from Richmond I recd. thy letter or bunch of letters 12th mo. 28 and was very glad of them and…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 33
Wayne County Indiana 10th moth. 7th 1830
Dear Father Mother brothers and Sisters I left S P the first day of this month got to richmond 2rd went to meeting next day it was first day it was very large has been so every day since its very dry at…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 32
Rush County Indiana state 6th mo 14th 1830
to you my tender parents and all of my Brothers and Sisters Ive concluded to begin as I purpose writing to you as things occurs along as James Roberts exspects to start to your country the 1st of next…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 31
State of indianna Rush County 2 mo 1st 1830
Esteemed Friend
these lines may inform thee that our families are in tollerable health at present desiring they may find thee and thine injoying the same favour thy letter came safe to hand which was…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 30
Jackson Township Wayne County
Indiana Sept 21st 1829
Dear Friend Martha I have now an opportunity of sending you a few lines which will enform you we are all well also that Charlotte is living with Mr. Huntenger (Dutch People) she went to stay…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 29
Rush County Indiana 1829-12th month 27th
to my Parents Brothers and sisters as there seams to be chance of getting or forwarding a letter to you by James Binford as he is now at Mycajah Binfors on his way to your country we are are all in yousual…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 28
Rush County Indiana 1829 8th mo. 17th
Dear Father Mother brothers and sisters, we have recd. the letters by Aaron White the forepart of Sixth month last, the letter by C Moore came to hand the 11th of this mo. I have had a cold some time am not…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 27
Rush Cty Indiana 3rd Mo 8th 1829
Dear Father Mother brothers and Sisters I have Recd. two letters from thee I recd. the letter thee wrote in the 11th mo in the 12th mo 12th day the letter being date 10th month 20th 1828 I did not Receive until the…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 26
Richmond Wayne County Indiana 10th Mo 16 1828
Frd. Josiah Parker By Request of thy son I write a few lines to thee we have Just attended a favoured yearly meeting a favoured time In which time I have seen Elias Hicks with some others and he in a…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 25
10th Mo. 12th 1828
Esteemed Brothers and Sisters all
This may inform that we are but feeble in this our old and declining age tho not seriously afflicted I have been much afflicted of late with the old disinefsnes in my eyes been afflicted that…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 24
8th day 10th mo 1828
Richmond Wayne County State of Indiana 4 day Morning at our yerly meeting
to my Dear Father Mother Brothers Sisters
I take my pen in hand to write a few lines to you as there seams to be an opertunity of getting it along…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 23
10th mo 8th
1828 Wayne
County Indiana
Dear Father Mother Brothers & Sisters
I have waited along time for a letter from you I got here in this state the 1st of 5th mo last I got to S. P. 7th turned in to work with him to clearing up some of…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 22
At Uncle Isaac Parkers
4th Mo 22 1828
I arrived here the 15th of this mo I crofsed the Ohio River 13th got to Joseph Parkers the rest crofsed 14 and went on to Barnesville all my company got here safe except Charlotts youngest child which died…