Browse Items (41 total)
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 21
James Town N. C.
5th mo. 6th AD 1827
Friend Josiah Parker
The Meeting for Suffering have appointed a kind of Emigration committee to endeavour to aid in Removing the people of colour I was appointed by said committee to Write to Friends of…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 20
At Jeremiah Parkers the 26th 7 Mo 1826
Dear Father and Mother brothers and Sisters I Recd. thy letter 19th 7th Mo on blew River which I was very glad to get I left my uncles in Ohio the 22 of last mo I was tolerable the blacks had the hooping…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 19
Wayne County Indiana, 7th Mo. 2nd 1824--
Esteemed Brother & Sisters
I at last undertake to give a little information--we are mostly favioured with tolerable health tho some little complaint as pains in my Sholder at this time so as to cause…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 18
White Water 10th of the 10th Month 1823
Dear Uncle
I may just inform how it fares with us of late, we are all in good health except father who has had the ague & fever for about a week tho he has mifsed his ague he is quite indisposed, he has…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 17
Hanover Mafsachusetts 6th Mo 27th 1823
Affectionate Parents and family I received yesterday and was glad to here from you to here that you were well, we have had it verry cool for the season up to the 15th of this month so that we expected frost…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 16
Hanover 5th Mo 11th 1823
Esteemed frd.
Josiah Parker
Nathan has got quite out of patience waiting for a letter from home, we have not received one since we left Carolina, excepting one from Isaac Overman and it makes Nathan quite homesick, he…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 15
Indiana Wayne County 2nd Mo. 28 1823
Dear Uncle
I thought I would begin to write in answer to thy letter, may say we are in tolerable health, people generally except William Williams he is quite weakly and considerable cough. As Relation to thy…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 14
Mt. Pleasant 6th mo. 2nd 1822
Dear Brother
I this day recd. thine of the 3rd of the 5th mo. last, and was glad to hear of your wellfair. We are in our usual health for which and every other favour we should be humbly thankful. I do afsure thee…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 13
Josiah Parker Newyork 3 mo 26th 1822
Respected Friend
I have Recd. thy letter of the 16th ult. and the bag of cotton alluded to [ammest?] is the acct. of the wt. of sale of both bogs as markd. on them. Richard Mott bot. the last bag sent it…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 12
Charles Collins of No 4 Cherry Street
New York to Josiah Parker
Respected friend
Israel Corse shewed me thine to him of the 7th day of this month relating to thy Cotton signifying a disposition to give the offer of it to those who are…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 11
Mt pleasant Ohio 9th Mo 20th 1820
Esteemed Cousin--The time has arrived when there seems to be an oppertunity to send for the black people we have been corresponding about all thy endeavours to better their condition I hope will be crowned with…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 10
Mount Pleasant 8th 17th 1820
Friend Josiah
I recd. by last mail thy letter which as far as it went was satisfactory but should be glad to know what sum thee sent by Benja. Thomas as also what amount of Interest was Recd. on all my money thee…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 9
9th Mo. 30th 1819
Esteemed Brother & Sifters
At our little Cottage Wayne County Indiana Elkhorn
I received thy Exceptable letter by post I think in the forepart of this Mo. was glad to here from you all I observed that thee had not colected…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 8
Wayne County Indiana Elkhorn 8th Mo 2nd 1819
Dear Brother & Sifters all
This may inform you that we are are mostly reasonable well at this time Except myself is Indisposed in with the [ague &] fever once in 2 days tho not very Severe,…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 7
Wayne County Indiana Elk Horn 4th Mo. 9th 1819
Affectionate Brother & Sifters
This may inform that we are mostly faviourd with reasonable Health at this time Except my wife she has been very unwell for several days past tho not confined I have…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 6
White Water Wayne County Indiana State
Richmond 7th Mo 17th 1818
Dear Brother & Sister-
This may inform that the rest of us got Safe to the Settlement of the 21st of last mo. on 1st day Evening, where I was truly glad to see the faces of…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 5
Springfield, Guilford county 5th Mo 4th 1818
Esteemed Brother
This may inform that we are at the House of our friend & relation Joch Gilbert in whose house lives his aged father Jeremiah he is Kerins near relation we met with a kind reception…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 4
21st 2nd mo 1818
W Briant,
I’ve now before me while writing a [letter?] directed to Robt Parker, in which is requested reimbursement of moneys thou had to pay in serving as a witnefs for Hampton O’s [Teage?] (as I suppose ___ as __ I’ve…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 3
Smithfield Jefferson County Ohio 4 mo. 28th 1816
Esteemed friend
Benja. Ladd intending to the Virginia yearly Meeting affords an opportunity of information and enquiry we are reasonable well and for the greater part have had our health well…
Josiah Parker Papers Letter 2
Virginia Loudon County 12th Mo. 25th 1807
Our manner of intimacy from early life hath paved the way for lasting imprefsions and in as much as it was recommended to the primative believers to provoke one another to love and good works we…